Entrecard:do you drop?

Thursday, September 25, 2008 / Comments (3) / by Varun

A continuation to my blog traffic sites posts,with a twist.

People nowadays forget that networking sites are about finding new things,as much as getting traffic for your pages.For god's sake atleast take a look at the page when you are surfing through an affiliate site! People leave comments like "Hi! visit my blog!" and it pisses me off no end.Sure,advertise your blog in my shoutbox,but atleast have the decency to leave a comment if you liked my articles! I know I'm no saint,I did indulge in such stuff when i began,but a week into it I realized,some of these sites are really interesting!
I stumbled on to this site while blog-surfing.It's an ingenious idea.The site allows you to create a business card of your site.You must place a card dropbox on your site in return.Fellow site members can drop cards in your dropbox when they visit your site,and you can drop yours on to others.You get one entrecard credit (EC) when you drop your card on another blog and also one when someone drops their card in your box.Profit both ways :D .You can use your amassed EC's to purchase temporary/permanent ads for your page on other sites,and conversely earn more credits by allowing others' ads on your site.There are also bonuses such as coupons,etc.
Do join this site.I found it very useful,and a good traffic source.

the EC Firefox addon :
Now you can surf other EC-enabled blogs via this nice little addon.It optimizes the use of the extremely slow search function of the main site,gets you results faster,and you can visit more pages!

Do leave a comment to tell me if this site was useful


Anonymous @ September 27, 2008 at 7:16 PM

Entrecard has its ups and downs. I am seriously thinking about taking it off of a few sites with heavy EC traffic. I had two high PR blogs (PR 4 and PR 5) go to PR 1 and PR 0 and the the only thing different about their statistics from the last 3 quarters of ranking was their bounce rate due to EC. One this quarter went from 40% bounce to 92%, but if you filter out the EC traffic you find the bounce rate actually dropped to 35%. EC is a slippery slope and something you need to evaluate carefully on blogs with PR affected advertising.

Varun @ September 27, 2008 at 9:34 PM

You are right in a way Brad.But for people just starting out services like EC and MBL are great for attracting readers initially.Building regular readers,though would depend solely upon the quality of content.The bounce rate is probably because people just visit the index for a drop and go away.In addition to bounce rates you will find that the average time on site is also low (ref google analytics). For a serious blogger therefore it is necessary to slowly wean off the EC traffic,by reducing his/her own drops.If he/she still gets good traffic from EC,it's probably readers who might actually spend some time reading,so it doesn't hurt at all.

L. Venkata Subramaniam @ September 28, 2008 at 11:11 AM

I think most bloggers are not interested in reading others blogs...they only want to promote their own blog.

So this creates a situation where people keep writing without too many readers.

Entrecard seems to promote clicks without actual readership. I am sticking with it to see if after a while people realize that reading blogs is better than just clicking around.

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